Address Forms in the Historical Pragmatics of Romance Languages:
a Romanian-Portuguese Comparative Approach

Principal Investigator: Veronica Manole

Grant code: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-0544
Grant period: 1 september 2020-31 august 2022
Webdesign: Cristina Varga

Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Facultatea de litere Facultatea de litere


I. Publications

1. Veronica Manole, The Great Discursive Divide in Communist Romania, Language of the Revolution The Discourse of Anti-Communist Movements in the “Eastern Bloc” Countries: Case Studies, edited by Eugen Wohl and Elena Păcurar, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, p. 47-66. – submitted in 2022, published in 2023.

2. Veronica Manole, As formas de tratamento na expressão da intensidade afetiva no discurso epistolar amoroso em português europeu e romeno, Romania Contexta III. Excès et abus dans les langues romanes, edited by Cristiana Papahagi, Sanda-Valeria Moraru, Veronica Manole, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2023, p. 77-88. – submitted in 2022, published in 2023.

3. Veronica Manole, Formas de tratamento em cartas abertas ao Presidente da República e ao Primeiro-Ministro, Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa, 44, 2023, 69-83, ISSN: 2182-4452 (print) and 2184-2043 (online); DOI:, pp.69-82 (ERIHPLUS) – submitted in 2022, published in 2023.

4. Veronica Manole, As formas de tratamento na abordagem multissistémica: uma nova proposta de análise, in STUDIA UBB PHILOLOGIA, LXVI, 4, 2021, p. 81-94, in Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philologia (WoS-ESCI)

5. Veronica Manole, “iscrevu esta carta so para bosemese saber”: a deixis social em cartas romenas e portuguesas da grande guerra, in Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Philologia, LXV, 4/2022, p. 437-452. ISSN (print): 1220-0484, ISSN (online): 2065-9652, ISSN-L: 1220-0484 (WoS-ESCI)

II. Book reviews

1. Veronica Manole, "Martin Hummel, Célia dos Santos Lopes (eds), Address in Portuguese and Spanish: Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2020, 478 p." In Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philologia, LXV, 4, 2020, 463-466. (WoS-ESCI).

2. Veronica Manole, "Alina-Georgiana Focșineanu, Modele orientale în exprimarea politeții în limba română în epoca fanariotă [Oriental models in expressing politeness in Romanian during the Phanariot era], Editura Universității din București, București, 2020." In Revue Internationale d’Études en Langues Modernes Appliquées. Nr. 15 / 2022, pp. 104-107 (CEEOL).

III. Conference papers

1. Veronica Manole, Mecanismos linguísticos da expressão da intensidade afetiva em cartas de amor em português e romeno [Linguistic Means of Expressing Affective Intensity in Portuguese and Romanian Love Letters] at the international conference Romania Contexta III, Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania (14-15 october 2022).

2. Veronica Manole, A Deixis Social em Romeno e em Português Europeu: a Evolução das Formas Pronominais de Tratamento nos séculos XVI-XVIII [Social Deixis in Romanian and European Portuguese: the Evolution of Pronominal Forms during the XVI-XVIII centuries], at the XXX International Congress of Romance Linguistics and Philology, University La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (4-9 july 2022).

3. Veronica Manole, Formas de tratamento em português e romeno em cartas da Grande Guerra: uma abordagem sócio-discursiva [Address forms in Portuguese and Romanias in letters from the Great War: a socio-discursive approach] at the international conference Convergências e divergências no espaço ibero-americano, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 15-17 July 2021.

4. Veronica Manole, The evolution of social deixis in Romanian and European Portuguese: você and dumneata in two centuries of letter-writing, at the workshop Pragmatic Variation across Time and Space, organized at the international conference The 21st International Conference of The Department of Linguistics: Current Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, 19-20 november 2021.

IV. Conference poster

1. Veronica Manole, Pronominal Address Systems in the 17th and the 18th centuries in Romanian and European Portuguese at INAR6 - Address and Politeness, University of Bergamo 23-25 June 2021.